Citizen DNA Barcode Network

The Citizen DNA Barcode Network (CDBN) organizes community campaigns across the US to help identify and map three groups of insects: ants, beetles, and mosquitoes. These insects are important to the health of the planet, respond to changes in the environment, or are carriers of human disease. NHMU is the newest Hub site for the CDBN, and YOU can join other citizen and community scientists to help identify these fascinating insects in Utah!

How to get involved:

Citizen DNA Barcode Network logo

Get on the email list!

Interested to take part in the CDBN? Sign up here to be the first to get emails of new workshops and events. 

Join a collection event 

Check here for upcoming insect collection events and opportunities throughout the state of Utah.


no current events scheduled

Join a DNA Wet Lab

Get hands-on experience extracting, isolating, and amplifying DNA!


What is DNA Barcoding?

A DNA Barcode is a unique pattern of DNA sequence that can potentially identify each living thing. These barcodes allow non-experts to identify species - even from small, damaged, or industrially processed material. With DNA barcodes, we can discover and catalogue biodiversity on our planet.

What will I do as part of the Citizen DNA Barcode Network?

  • Collect & Document ant, beetle, and Mosquito specimens 
  • Use laboratory technology to extract & duplicate specimen DNA (hands-on wet lab)
  • Analyze the sequenced DNA
  • Identify Species and Explore Further

Who can take part?

The program is open to any science or nature enthusiast in Utah! NHMU will host events and programs throughout the year to engage members of the public of varying age and skill level, including day and evening insect collections, partial or full day hands-on lab activities, and more. 

Dr. Bryn Dentinger works in a lab at the Museum.

Summer of Nanopore Sequencing

Nanopore sequencing, which analyzes individual DNA molecules in real time, is the “next big thing” in biology education. In this three-day workshop, hosted at the Granite Technical Institute and NHMU, workshop participants will explore the use of nanopore sequencing in education, and be the first to test a new streamlined approach for combining nanopore (MinION) sequence data with The DNA Learning Center's DNA Subway pipeline–providing DNA sequencing and analysis any time, any place, by anyone. 

The Citizen DNA Barcode Network is funded by:
Stacked Logo NIH NIGMS