NHMU Fox Squirrel Survey
We want to hear about squirrels in Utah!
Your observations will help scientists understand the distribution, local abundance, ecology and behavior of Fox Squirrels in Utah.
Select one of the following methods to make and record your observations:

Web Browser
Entering data on a computer? Click below to access the survey in the web browser on your computer or mobile device.

Survey App
Entering data on a mobile device? Click below and select "Open in field app" or "Download" or to get the free Survey123 app on your phone. No sign-in needed.
How to observe squirrels
Our survey is designed to capture data from one location (e.g., your yard) in one observation session (period of time you are looking for squirrels). You may submit a new form each time you change locations, or are going out for a new observation session. All information collected is for research purposes only – privacy respected!
When observing squirrels for the survey, we recommend:
- Observe anywhere from 5-15 minutes
- You can look for squirrels wherever you are interested – at home, on a walk, on a hike, etc.
- If you are looking for squirrels in a specific area, and do not see one after 15 minutes, select “No” for the question "Did you see or hear at least one fox squirrel." Not seeing a squirrel is also useful data!
NHMU Fox Squirrel Observation Map
Are there Fox Squirrels in your neighborhood? Data shown on this map has been submitted by citizen scientists using NHMU's Fox Squirrel Survey. You can submit your own observations of fox squirrels by accessing the survey via the links above.