Nearby Nature - Stay Curious, Utah!

Where is nature? Is it only found far away in national parks or on hiking trails? Nature is all around us. Wherever there are living things, there is nature nearby, even in a city with lots of people. There’s nature everywhere we look if we know how to look! Learn more about the nearby nature that exists right off our steps in our yards and playgrounds as well as the streets and sidewalks of our cities and towns.

Virtual Field Trip of Our Backyard
Explore and play in Our Backyard! All animals have different structures that help them survive in different habitats. Join Museum educators to learn about the incredible adaptations of some animals found in Utah, including leopard geckos and tarantulas.

Humans and Nature
Use this activity to explore how humans can help maintain and improve local habitats.

Seek and Craft a Local Critter
Dive into the Seek app to discover your nearby nature and then craft your own living thing!

Recorded Q&A with Biologist Jonny Gonzalez - April 27, 2021

Jonny Gonzalez is a scientist and educator with Youth Teaching Youth at the Natural History Museum of Utah, a program that empowers middle and high school students to think like scientists. He studies nature and makes it understandable for others. He loves working with insects and getting others to love them too.