BUGfest 2023 Bug Bite Speaker: Amanda Barth
Bug Bite Talk
Date and Time: Sunday, August 13, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Title of Talk: Utah's Rare Insects and How You Can Help!
Talk Description: The Utah Rare Insect Conservation Program (RICP) is working to collect information about rare and at-risk insect species across Utah and coordinate conservation actions to help protect them. We will discuss the different types of target insect species, the threats they face, and how Utahns can help the RICP with insect conservation efforts!

Bio: Amanda Barth is the rare insect conservation coordinator for Utah State
University, and leads Utah’s Rare Insect Conservation Program (RICP) that works closely with the Division of Wildlife Resources. She has a background in science education and pollinator conservation, and is passionate about increasing awareness of the importance of insects to a healthy environment. Through the RICP, she coordinates with agency, academic, and community partners to gain information about at-risk insects in Utah, and helps guide conservation and habitat restoration actions for terrestrial and aquatic insects across the state. She also serves as chair for the Western Monarch and Native Insect Pollinator Working Group with the Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA), which coordinates pollinator conservation efforts with Western states and federal partners.