Discovery Class for 2nd-3rd Graders: Nature Art Lab

Event Details


Naturalists' Lab

Nature, art, and creativity go hand in hand in this session that inspire imagination and experimentation. Begin by examining flowers and seeds to understand their parts and functions. Next, create beautiful seed mosaics to explore patterns and textures. Finally, use rocks, paint, yarn, and sticks to craft unique woven and textured art. Join us to explore, create, and celebrate the beauty of natural materials!

Please note: Online registration closes one week before the event. Pre-registration is required for these drop-off classes. You’ll receive an email with check-in location and further information 3-5 days prior to session.

Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel your registration, email with your child’s name and the confirmation/order number, no later than two weeks prior to the program start date/time. If we can fill your spot, you’ll receive a 90% refund. If we are unable to fill your spot, you’ll receive a 75% refund. 

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