Decisions Downstream
All of us—people, fish, and many other creatures—depend on the water in Utah’s rivers. The choices we make about how to develop water resources have big impacts on river habitats. In Decisions Downstream, a watershed scientist teams up with artists to explore new ways of seeing river habitats. Come immerse yourself in beautiful large-scale images created from layers of scientific data, original paintings that capture the transcendent experience of encountering wild fish, and projections onto 3D maps that tell stories of our past water development choices and those we face in the future. Then discover how new water management models can help us preserve river habitats and supply water for people. Critical water decisions are being made in Utah. Decisions Downstream highlights the water development tools, tradeoffs, and alternatives that can guide our choices.
Thank you to the following partners who made this exhibit possible!
- National Science Foundation CAREER award #1653452
- The Wildlife Migration Initiative of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
- Utah State University
- Additional support provided by ZAP
Think Water Utah, presented by Utah Humanities and its partners, is a statewide collaboration and conversation on the critical topic of water.