Field Note Transcription Project

What is the Field Note Transcription Project
Throughout the 20th century, the Natural History Museum of Utah collected tens of thousands of pages of handwritten field notes from scientists working in Utah. Ranging from 1931 to the present, these notes documented zoological expeditions and daily life in between.
A team in NHMU’s collections is now conducting the Field Note Transcription Project, which will digitally archive every page of these notes in an effort to preserve their contents and share them with researchers around the world.
How You Can Help
Volunteers are needed to transcribe the handwritten field notes in our DIGIVOL Expedition. It’s a fascinating opportunity for any history buff, budding biologist, or friend of the Museum to get a glimpse into the daily life of scientists working in Utah in the mid-20th century. You’ll get to know the scientists of the past and help preserve and share their work.
Get started today by visiting NHMU’s DIGIVOL institute page, pick an expedition, and read the tutorial. If all expeditions are 100% transcribed, check back later as more will be added on a regular basis.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please email our expedition leader, Amanda McGarry.