Gallery Quest - Avatar

You are the new Avatar! Use this Gallery Quest to complete your training. Take photos and share your best moments at #NHMU. This Gallery Quest was designed by Teen Explainers, high school interns at NHMU.

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Avatar Training 

A quest to restore harmony between the nations and learn.

Find two animals that would make a fun combination like a turtleduck! 

A turtleduck

Find something that looks like Katara’s necklace.

A katara

Be a firebender: find something made using fire.


Cave of two lovers: find a gem or a stone that might be discovered in a cave.

Lights in a dark cave.

Find a fun fact in the Museum to tell the Owl Spirit.


Be a poet like Sokka. Write a poem about the Museum.



Be an earthbender: Learn about earthquakes and erosion at the Land Exhibit. Pretend to earthbend to create the Wasatch Mountains.


Be a waterbender: Go to the Great Salt Lake Exhibit. What would a waterbender do to the salty water?


Be an airbender: Find something that flies.



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