Gallery Quest - Five Senses
In this Gallery Quest, we offer young visitors an opportunity to use their senses as they explore the galleries.
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Five Senses

- Close your eyes- what do you hear?
- Can you identify 5 different sounds while you are in the Dinosaur Exhibit?
- What about the Special Exhibit?
- What about the Great Salt Lake area?

- Can you find something that looks furry?
- Something that looks rough?
- Something that looks scaly?
- Something that looks heavy?

- Can you find something that has only 1 color?
- Something that has 2 colors?
- Something that has spots?
- Something that has stripes?

- Dinosaurs lived in many different environments. What do you think some of these environments smelled like?

- Did you know that scientists sometimes lick rocks they think might be fossils? This is because unlike rocks, fossilized bones have tiny holes so they stick to your tongue.
- What do you think a fossilized bone tastes like?
What was your favorite sense to use today during your visit to NHMU?