Science Communication Fellows Program

The Science Communication Fellows Program provides training to scientists and researchers to improve their science communication, especially in an informal science education setting. Fellows build their capacity for science communication by participating in five professional development workshops as well as four NHMU public programs.
The application window for 2025 has closed.
About the SCFP Public Programs
Fellows have the unique opportunity to leverage the Natural History Museum of Utah's resources and audience to directly engage with the public about their current science and research. They are provided this through the framework of three distinct programs: Scientist in the Spotlight, Science Cafe, and Outreach Science.
Scientist in the Spotlight Program

Fellows will provide the general public with a window into their current research by telling stories and showcasing their field equipment, lab tools, and research specimens in an informal, open-house, face-to-face environment. They will do two of these programs on Friday afternoons and be given feedback after the first one in preparation for the second.
Science Café Program

Fellows will present their current research in an informal Ted Talk-like format. These are 15 minute talks followed up by a 10 minute FAQ with the audience. They are held on Wednesday nights in the fall before an audience of museum guests, staff, volunteers and fellow fellows.
Science Outreach
Fellows will travel outside of the museum and engage with the community at an Outreach event. This provides the scientist with an opportunity to engage with members of the public who may not normally visit museums.
About SCFP 2025 Workshops
Fellows participate in five professional development workshops focused on building the skills to effectively engage public audiences. Scientists refine key messages related to their areas of expertise and practice simple techniques for talking science with non-scientists.
Between Workshops 1 and 2 we will schedule a One-on-One with each participant in person or over zoom. These meetings will allow us to better understand the work, research and science the fellow is engaged in. Each workshop is on a Wednesday evening and goes from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. The One on One is generally two hours long.
2025 Workshop Dates:
Date: | What | Where |
March 19th | Workshop #1 | NHMU |
March 24-April 4th | One on One Meetings | Your lab, NHMU or Zoom |
April 9th | Workshop #2 | NHMU |
April 16th | Workshop #3 | NHMU |
April 23rd | Workshop #4 | NHMU |
April 30th | Workshop #5 | NHMU |
August 13th | Science Café Pre-Screening | NHMU |
After the Workshops:
Once the Workshops are concluded we will schedule follow up meetings to help prepare the fellow for their Scientist in the Spotlight, Science Outreach, and Science Café.
Who Should Sign Up?
We’re looking for graduate students, professors, scientists, researchers, and other science-based professionals who are committed to bridging the gap between the scientific community and the general public. Fellows must be able to attend all five workshops, both One-on-One Meetings, and participate in all four public programs.

Why Participate?
For many members of the general public, scientific research and the development of new technology are the exclusive domains of scientists and engineers. Many people have never met or had a conversation with a working scientist, and thus feel no personal connection to science at all.
Face-to-face interactions between scientists and public audiences are important opportunities for improving public awareness and understanding of current scientific research and its application. They also increase public appreciation of the individuals who work in science-based fields. Informal science education institutions are uniquely qualified to facilitate such interactions in ways that create positive impacts for all parties involved.
Fellow Benefits
- Enhance your science communication skills in a dynamic, engaging, and participatory workshop setting.
- Develop a hands-on educational activity which you can use in multiple educational settings beyond the Natural History Museum of Utah.
- Receive documentation suitable for sharing with supervisors and for grant reporting.
- Network with scientists amd museum professionals invested in science communication and public engagement.
Past Fellows
Past fellows have included undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students, Research Assistants, PostDocs, Fellows, Collections Managers, Faculty, Science Museum Professionals, Working Professionals from Government agencies, and more.
A few out of the many fields that have been represented are Biochemistry, Anthropology, Physics & Astronomy, Botany, Mathematics, Genetics, Geology & Geophysics, and Ecology.
More Information
Applications for the 2025 year are closed. If you have any immediate questions please email: