A model of wind turbines and a solar farm.

The Switch Is On!

Renewable Energy is Good for the Climate and Our Budgets

The prices of wind and solar energy have plummeted over the last ten years. Clean, renewable energy is now the cheapest source of power available. This remarkable decline in cost makes the path to a clean energy future clear and feasible: generate electricity with renewable energy and use that electricity to run machines currently powered by fossil fuels. The results will be cleaner air, lower energy bills, and a lot less carbon emissions.

How Low Will They Go?

Solar and wind technologies follow a learning curve: the more of them we install, the lower their prices fall. With the price of solar predicted to decline another 50% between 2023 and 2030, market forces are driving the switch to renewable energy.

A graph showing the falling prices of renewable energy.

Levelized cost of energy 2009-2021 Graph: Lazard

A graph oc the total US greenhouse gas emissions by economic sector in 2021.

Total U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector in 2021 Graph: Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The Number One Way to Take a Big Bite Out of Carbon Emissions

Most of the electricity we use in the United States comes from burning fossil fuels. When we generate electricity with renewable energy and use it to power our buildings and transportation system, we’ll cut nearly two-thirds of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States.

Next Step >>>

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Are you excited about a clean energy future and do you want to learn more about renewable energy projects in Utah? See our next section that explains how Utah is Rich in Renewable Energy Resources.

Or, if you're feeling inspired, learn more about Taking Action on Climate Change at a local level.