Results Will Vary
Climate Change isn’t the Same for Everyone
The changing climate is impacting all of us, but it doesn’t affect everyone the same way. The risks we face vary depending on where we live, our job, our age, our health, our income, our community’s history, and many other factors. Members of communities confronting the highest risks often have the fewest resources to protect themselves. At the same time, the expertise they’ve gained through experiences with climate change can help build a better future for all Utahns.
The climate started to change on us. It started impacting not only the people, but also the wild game and our herb gatherings. We have to go off the reservation to pick up certain herbs to perform our ceremonies. We used to get them on the mountain. Now we can’t do that because they no longer grow there.
Adapting to Climate Change can Build Stronger Communities
Because Utahns are experiencing climate change in different ways, they are pursuing a variety of strategies to make their communities strong and resilient. For some, climate adaptation involves preserving their heritage through innovation. For others, it’s about taking a new approach to community design or building networks that connect neighbors. Because climate risks often exacerbate longstanding disparities, climate adaptation is also an opportunity to create communities that protect and work for everyone.

Next Step >>>
Now that we have an understanding of the impacts of climate change, both on our communities and our health, let's inspire hope by looking at solutions already being implemented here in Utah! Learn more in out our next section: Exploring Climate Change Solutions.