Fox Squirrel FAQs

How frequently can I make an observation on the survey form?

As often as you like! Survey forms are designed to capture information from a single site (a yard, park, parking lot, etc.) for a single observation session. If you observe squirrels over multiple days, or in multiple locations, then you would submit a survey form for each new session. Here's the survey link.

How long should I observe squirrels before submitting a survey?

We recommend observing (or looking for) squirrels anywhere from 3-15 minutes. Note that if you are looking for Fox Squirrels and do not see any, this is also useful data to us! You will have the option on the form to say "I did not see a fox squirrel."

Who can make an observation?

Anyone! Squirrels are often in yards and neighborhoods that the museum cannot access or easily visit. Your observations of neighborhood squirrels will allow NHMU researchers to gather a larger picture about how squirrels are interacting with the ecosystem in the Salt Lake Valley.

How will my observation contribute to NHMU research?

The following list includes some of the information that can be gathered from your observations: 

  • Daily activity patterns (and how these may change with weather conditions and across seasons)
  • Changes in local abundance
  • Favorable habitat characteristics
  • Local movements patterns and pathways
  • Interactions with other species
  • Behavioral patterns

How much information do I need to fill out the survey?

At a minimum, we need location, date, and if you saw a squirrel or not. More detailed observations (like the habitat, what was the squirrel doing, etc.) are also incredibly useful to us.

I don’t always see fox squirrels in my yard, where do they go?

They may be inactive (in a nest or resting in a tree) or exploring other areas in your neighborhood. If you try to observe squirrels and don't see any over a 15 minute period, this is useful data to share on the survey! You can submit a survey that notes you did not see any squirrels. 

When are fox squirrels active?

They are only active during daylight. You may notice that environmental and seasonal factors (like temperature and weather) impact when you see squirrels.

Are fox squirrels harmful?

They are not a direct health threat, but like many wild animals could bite when cornered or frightened. They can be yard and garden pests, damaging fruit and vegetable crops, and raiding bird feeders. They often nest in buildings and can cause considerable property damage.

Is NHMU interested in fox squirrel specimens?

Yes! Specimens support a broad range of research from molecular genetics to population and community ecology. Pictures are great (they may be worth a thousand words), but specimens may be worth a thousand pictures! Learn more about how to submit a fox squirrel specimen here

How will I know it's a fox squirrel?

Fox squirrels resemble two other common squirrels in our area. American Red Squirrels are tree dwellers with very similar habits, but they are much smaller and darker (reddish-brown above and grayish-brown below) rather than orange. Rock Squirrels are similar in size, but are medium-gray, have a less prominent tail, and live on and under the ground (they are not good climbers). Check out this page for photos of all three species.

How does a fox squirrel behave?

Strictly diurnal (active during the day), highly arboreal—running up and down trees, jumping from tree to tree, and walking on along fences and on overhead lines. Highly vocal, will bark and chatter at people and dogs.

What do fox squirrels eat?

Tree nuts, fruit, seeds, flower buds, bird eggs and nestlings, other small animals and insects. When nuts are plentiful, they are cached for later consumption.

Do fox squirrels build nests?

Yes! Leaf nests in trees (dreys) are commonly used during the warm season. Litters are born and raised in tree cavity nests which also serve as winter nests. Nests also are made in buildings (often attic crawl spaces).

How often do fox squirrels reproduce?

Females have two litters (average of 3 young) born in March and July.

Are fox squirrels active year round?

Yes, fox squirrels are active year round.

Submit your fox squirrel sighting here.