Grants & Student Support
Undergraduate and graduate students are conducting research at the Range Creek Field Station. Many have received awards or financial support from the Natural History Museum of Utah, the University of Utah, and outside organizations. Staff and students work together to develop projects and collect data in archaeology and other disciplines that contribute to our understanding of the people and ecology of Range Creek Canyon, past and present.
UROP Program
The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) provides undergraduate students and mentors at the University of Utah the opportunity to work together on research or creative projects. The Range Creek Field Station offers students the opportunity to develop research projects and conduct experiments in archaeology and other disciplines. UROP has awarded several Range Creek Students funding for their projects.
Jamie Goetz Fall 2020-Title: Experimental Archaeology: Modeling the Costs of Groundstone tool-use for Maize Consumption in Range Creek Canyon, Utah. (Poster)
Alexander Brill Fall 2021-Title: Variability in Morphology in Prehistoric and Experimentally Grown Maize Cobs in Range Creek Canyon, Utah.
The Register of Professional Archaeologists’ Committee on Field School Certification and Scholarships awarded the 2021 Range Creek Summer Field School scholarship funds in the amount of $2,000 dollars. These funds are to be issued in $1,000 awards to two deserving students of their choice. Students can be recognized for meritorious contributions or financial assistance or a combination of the two during your field school. Dr. Shannon Boomgarden chose Ian Farrell and Jenna Foster because they were fantastic to work with and quickly mastered every task handed them. "Our entire staff agreed that these two would be an asset to any field crew or graduate program." Congrats Jenna and Ian!

Graduate Research Assistants
Ian Farrell (current MS candidate)
Jenna Foster (current MS candidate)
Jordin Muller 2021 (MS Antrhopology)
Brendan Ermish 2021 (MS Antrhopology)
Ellyse Simons 2018 (MS Antrhopology)
Liz Baldwin 2018 (MS Antrhopology)
Isaac Hart 2016 (PhD Anthropology
Dave Potter 2014 (MS Antrhopology)
Student Grants
Issac Hart 2011-2012 Mead Foundation Grant
Michael Lewis 2011-2012 Mead Foundation Grant
Joel Boomgarden 2005-2006 / 2006-2007 David C. Williams Graduate Fellowship
Rachelle Green 2007-2008 / 2008-2009 David C. Williams Graduate Fellowship
Jamie Clark 2007-2008 Hiatt Graduate Student Scholarship
To read more about the incredible research from Range Creek Field Station staff and students visit our Research Projects, Presentations, & Publications page!