Public Summer Camp Registration Banner

Summer Camp

Summer Camp Registration is Open!

Welcome to NHMU's award-winning Summer Camps, offering memorable summer experiences for rising K–8th graders. Camps fill fast, so don't delay, explore by grade range and reserve your places today!

Please view our Camp FAQ page for common camp questions.

Register for Summer Camp 2025

Download the Complete Summer Camp Schedule

Download the Complete Grade Range Summer Camp Overview

Scholarship Applications for Summer 2025 are now open.  

The Natural History Museum of Utah strives to provide high-quality, inclusive programming to children attending kindergarten through the eighth grades. We are thankful to our camp sponsors, who have generously donated funding toward our scholarship program. Scholarships cover 100% of camp fees and will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to students who receive free or reduced price lunch in the Free or Reduced School Lunch Program, or whose families meet the Income Eligibility Guidelines for the 2024-2025 program. We have reserved spots in each camp session for scholarships, so even if the session says it's full, we may actually have spots available. You'll be asked for a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice on the application. 

Check Eligibility and Apply Here

Camp Communications

Museum Members at the Family level and above will receive exclusive information on early registration for summer camp, including the early registration link, directly to the email we have on file. Unsure what email we have on file for you? Visit our Member Help Form, and we’ll be happy to help. 

Registration Limits

Due to Utah childcare licensing exemptions for out-of-school programs, each camper may attend a maximum of five weeks of camp per summer.

NHMU Summer Camps Win City Weekly's Best of Utah

Thanks to all the City Weekly readers who voted NHMU's Summer Camps the best in Utah. We are truly thrilled and thankful. 

Summer Camp Overview

Children feel dinosaur bones next to a boy holding a bubble

At NHMU, we are committed to cultivating lifelong skills in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) investigations that promote independence, nurture teamwork, and inspire resiliency and innovation while providing time to explore the natural world. Our Summer Camp programs take full advantage of the Museum's exhibits and collections as well as the incredible natural environments around our site.

Your child will:

  • explore the natural world from new perspectives
  • put the scientific method into action
  • engage in authentic experiences with Museum staff and collections
  • make new friends and have fun!

Important Information for 2025

  • Registration limits: Due to Utah's childcare licensing requirements that allow for exemptions for out-of-school-time programs, each individual camper may only be registered for a maximum of 5 weeks of summer camp.
  • Limited class sizes with high staff to child ratios
  • Kinder sessions are offered from 9am - Noon and from 1 - 4pm, M-Th.
    • AM and PM sessions will be identical; full day registration is not permitted.
  • First grade sessions will run from 9am - 4pm, M-Th.
  • Second - eighth grade sessions will run from 8:30am - 4:30pm, M-Th.
  • All sessions will run Monday - Thursday except for the weeks of June 9, July 21, and August 11, which will run Monday - Wednesday. No camps on Friday.
  • Partner Camps will be 2 full days at the Museum and 2 full days at the partner location, unless otherwise noted.

Communicable Disease Precautions

  • Scheduled disinfection of high touched surfaces several times throughout the day and each evening in lab spaces.
  • Scheduled hand washing times throughout the day; hand sanitizer stations throughout the facility.
  • Masks are not required, but are certainly allowed.


If you need to cancel your child’s camp registration, email the Camp Director at least 2 weeks prior to the program start date/time at If we are able to fill your spot, you will receive a full refund, less a $20 fee. If we are not able to fill your spot, we will refund 60% of your registration fee. Registrations canceled two weeks or less prior to the camp start date and time, will not receive a refund.

Questions? Email Summer Camp Director, Shelli Campbell.

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