Junior Explorers

In the summer of 2021, NHMU launched Explorer Corps, a field-trip scavenger-hunt adventure throughout the state to find and learn about a super-cool natural history treasure in each of Utah's 29 counties.

Click here for all things Explorer Corps, including how to: 

  • Download the Natural History Explorer Corps app on iOS and Android on your mobile device
  • Download the Explorer Corps Passport, or pick one up at participating libraries
  • Visit your local Utah libraries to check out our Explorer Corps recommended reading
An illustration of a heron.


Ever notice birds outside your window, spider webs in the corner of a room, or plants growing in cracks of the sidewalk? Are you curious about the wild plants and animals in your neighborhood? There are countless living things just right outside your door and can be vastly different just a short drive away. Let's get out there!

Click here

An illustration of a landscape


Utah is a land of diverse and amazing features from the alpine mountains to the red rock deserts. It’s been forming and changing for over a billion years. Utah lives up to its slogan- Life Elevated- with mountains in all 29 counties. There are so many places to explore!

Click here

An illustration of a pot.


Did you know that people have been living in Utah for over 10,000 years? They farmed, hunted and developed complex communities that spread across the region. We learn about this history through archeological sites and the local tribal nations. Dig into Utah’s history!

Click here

An illustration of a dinosaur.

Paleontologist 1

Utah is home to some of the greatest dinosaur discoveries and sites in the world. No matter where you go in Utah, you aren’t far from a significant museum or paleontological dig. Just at Clevland- Lloyd there are over 70 Allosaurus skeletons- Utah’s state fossil!

An illustration of a mammoth.

Launching soon

Paleontologist 2

Thousands of years ago Utah looked a little different! Mammoths, Giant Sloths and Short-Nosed Bears are just a few of the more famous and now extinct neighbors that early Utahns once shared this land with. We can still discover signs and evidence of them!

Launching soon