Step 1: Review Field Trip Logistics
Trying to decide if a field trip to NHMU is right for your class? Our Field Trip Guide has all the information on program offerings, school standard connections, and answers to frequently asked questions!

You received your field trip confirmation email—now what? Well-organized field trips help students—and teachers—have successful and fun learning experiences at the Museum. Use our Teacher Checklist to help plan your field trip and ensure the best experience for your group. Haven't requested a field trip yet? Click here to go to the Field Trip Request Page.
Next, review the information on this page before proceeding to the following steps!
Step 2: Prepare for Your Field Trip
Before Your Field Trip

Double-check your confirmation email
- Check for date and time of arrival
- Schedule your buses for the day of the field trip
Prepare your Teaching Team by sharing the Teacher Checklist and field trip information. Plan a Free Teacher Preview with your team to prepare for your field trip - email the field trip team to request a discount code for free admission. Free teacher previews available to teachers with a confirmed field trip reservation.
Prepare your Lead Explorers (chaperones) by reviewing the Lead Explorer Information here. NHMU requires that all Lead Explorers are prepared to guide students through learning experiences in their field trip. Lead Explorers are expected to follow Museum policies.
Watch and Share the Student and Lead Explorer Welcome Videos.
Review information about accessibility and accommodations.
Field Trip Arrival

The day of your field trip has finally arrived! Depending on how your group will be arriving, print and bring one of the following checklists to help your visit go smoothly. Upon arrival each group will recieve an orientation and wristbands.
Arrival by bus or oversized van - Click here for bus arrival checklist
Arrival by private vehicles or public transportation - Click here for car arrival checklist
Bus drivers can park on Colorow Road, the road directly down the hill from the Museum parking lot. Bus drivers are welcome to join us and get free entrance into the Museum. They need to see the Educators in the Community Room for a wristband.
During Your Field Trip
We hope you enjoy your visit to NHMU and discover something new about the world around you. To help ensure a smooth and successful field trip for all please review the following:
Get MORE Out of Your Field Trip
M: Museum Mode. Please have calm bodies and quiet voices while at the Museum.
O: Observe. Use your senses to discover new things. Make sure to think before you touch to protect object. Also, all food, drink, and gum are not permitted in the Galleries.
R: Respect. Students, Lead Explorers, and Teachers are expected to respect each other and the policies of NHMU. Students in Elementary, Middle, and Junior High are required to stay with chaperones at all times.
E: Explore Exhibits. There are so many things to learn and discover! What can you learn that is new?
Find activities and more for during your field trip in Step 3.
Lunch or snack spaces are available by reservation only due to partnerships with other NHMU programming, and pest management policies. Groups without a lunch space reservation may not eat on Museum property.
Groups with a lunch reservation will have a rack in the Community Room to store lunches while exploring. Please have lunches in a box or bin for easy storage.
Looking to add a lunch space reservation to your field trip reservation? Email the Field Trip Team. Interested in a nearby park for a picnic? Click here to learn about a few of our favorites!

Even the best field trips must come to an end. Review the below information for a smooth departure.
- Gather students either in the Canyon or outside group entrance. Monitor students to make sure everyone stays in Museum Mode.
- Collect all stored belongings.
After returning to the classroom extend the learning by checking out the resources in Step 4.
Accessibility and Accommodations
The Natural History Museum of Utah is committed to providing inclusive experiences for all audiences and we are pleased to offer the following resources and services. If you need an accommodation not on the list below please reach out to our Field Trip Team and we will do the best to help.
Planning your Museum Field Trip
Social Stories: We welcome students and families with children and adults on the autism spectrum. To help prepare for your visit, download the Social Story about what to expect while visiting the Museum.
Spanish Language Resources: Museum maps and special exhibition are available in Spanish. To learn more visit the Museum’s exhibitions page.
Personal Care Assistant: The Museum will provide free admission for a paid Personal Care Assistant who is accompanying a guest with a disability.
Elevators: All areas of the Museum are accessible by elevator.
Wheelchairs: Wheelchairs are available for guests to borrow at no cost on a first-come, first-served basis. You may check out a wheelchair at the Welcome Desk on Level 1 or request one in advance for your field trip. Please note there is no ramp between levels 4 and 5, and guests using a wheelchair must take the elevator.
Accessibility Tools: Noise canceling headphones and light sensitivity glasses are available for guests to borrow. You may check these items out from the Welcome Desk on Level 1 or request one in advance for your field trip.
Additional Resources
For guests who are blind or have low vision: We can offer special tools for both individuals and groups that include touchable specimens from the natural world.
For guests who require a sign language interpreter: Interpreters can be made available during your field trip. When requesting an interpreter a two week notice is preferable. Please be sure to specify the mode of communication required (e.g., for sign language: American Sign Language, Pidgin Sign Language, or Signed English).
To request any of these resources or services please contact the Field Trip Team and we will add a note to your reservation along with having the resources/services available upon arrival for your field trip.
For more information about NHMU's accessibility and accommodations please click here.